Farmers field day by RIKOLTO, Mbeya region.
Aiming to make sure that there is sustainable food production in Mbeya City and the southern highlands through the project “Building Inclusive and Competitive Horticulture Businesses in Tanzania’s Southern Highlands,” (BICHOBS) funded by the European Union flagship programme AGRI-CONNECT.

RIKOLTO gathered 160 farmers from around Mbeya town at Mwakibete cluster for the farmer’s field day in May. The event took place at the ‘We Farm Group’ cabbage farm where they learned different technologies like the benefits of using drip irrigation systems, proper use of pesticides, post-harvest handling practices, efficient use of fertilizer on the farm, how to prepare and handle a seedling nursery etc.
The farmers were also inspired by the amazing journey of the ‘We Farm Group’ who did not have a background in agriculture but managed to practice urban farming by using different technologies which has motivated many people in the area to engage in farming.
The event was also attended by financial institutions such as CRDB bank, crop processors, buyers, and other organizations in the agriculture value chain who provided the farmers with the different knowledge they needed.

Meanwhile, over 150 members of the Association of Avocado Farmers in Mbozi (UWAMAMBO) came together for an incredible farmer’s field day at Igamba Mbozi in Mbeya. The event was part of the project “Building Inclusive and Competitive Horticulture Businesses in Tanzania’s Southern Highlands”, funded by the European Union flagship programme AGRI-CONNECT.
Farmers participated in practical activities which involved learning in-depth about avocado production, from nursery to the farm. They learned about the quality of avocados required in the market, including the different types of avocados, proper use of fertilizers and pesticides, and lastly, combating climate change, especially considering the drought affecting many farms in Mbozi district. They also received nutrition training and had the opportunity to meet with different stakeholders in the agriculture value chain who attended the event.

The farmer field days are meant to increase the farmer’s knowledge and give them the opportunity to learn from other farmers. This is crucial for building sustainable food systems and ensuring that our communities have access to safe and nutritious food.
This post is produced with the financial support from the European Union through AGRI-CONNECT Programme. Its contents do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.
This article is republished from RIKOLTO Facebook page.