Supporting Value Chain for Shared Prosperity
The Programme (2020 – 2024) contributed to inclusive economic growth, promotes private sector development and job creation in the agricultural sector toward increasing food and nutrition security in Tanzania. The AGRI-CONNECT programme aimed to reach 170,000 smallholders on the Southern Highlands Regions of Tanzania and Zanzibar. This has been achieved through four results areas:
- 1. Improvement of sector enablers and business environment
- 2.1 Supported small-scale farmers in production, value-addition and marketing
- 2.2 Financed agri-business projects for tea, coffee and horticulture value chains
- 3. Improved selected rural roads in 9 Local Government Authorities (LGAs)
- 4. Raised awareness of good nutrition practices nationwide

The European Union is a longstanding partner of Tanzania in sustainable agriculture, food and nutrition security. Through budget support, close to TZS 275 billion was allocated to the AGRI-CONNECT programme to achieve the aforementioned result areas. The programme was directly managed and supervised by the Government of the United Republic of Tanzania through its respective Ministries:
- Contracting authority at the Ministry of Finance and Planning who acts as the National Authorizing Officer for the European Development Fund (EDF)
- Ministry of Agriculture (MoA) in Tanzania mainland and Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation, Natural Resources and Livestock (MAINLR) in Zanzibar.
- Ministry of Industrial Trade and Investment (MITI)
- Prime Minister’s Office
- President’s Office Regional Administration and Local Government (PORALG), through its executive agency of Tanzania Rural and Urban Roads Agency (TARURA).