IMPACTFUL VIDEO: The Impact of AGRI-CONNECT Programme: Transforming the Southern Highlands on Horticulture Value Chain.

IMPACTFUL VIDEO: The Impact of AGRI-CONNECT Programme: Transforming the Southern Highlands on Horticulture Value Chain.

VIDEO: Experience the comprehensive impact of the AGRI-CONNECT Programme under the implementation of Rikolto and its partners across the Southern Highlands of Tanzania. This documentary captures the overall journey through Mbeya, Songwe, Iringa, Njombe, and Katavi, showcasing the programme’s success in enhancing sustainable farming, improving food security, and building resilient agricultural communities.

Click here to watch the whole documentary.

This post is produced with the financial support from the European Union through AGRI-CONNECT Programme. Its contents do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.

This post is republished from Rikolto East Africa Facebook Page. Visit the original post here.