About us

The project improves the performance of the horticultural sector, the inclusion of smallholder farmers and contributes to job creation and nutritional security in Tanzania’s Southern Highlands – Iringa, Njombe, Songwe, Mbeya and Katavi.​


By late 2023, the project had already shown the following impressive outputs:

  • Total smallholder farmers reached: 22,166
  • Smallholder farmers reached in Iringa: 7,480
  • Smallholder farmers reached in Njombe: 3684
  • Smallholder farmers reached in Mbeya: 4,132
  • Smallholder farmers reached in Songwe: 3,894
  • Smallholder farmers reached in Katavi: 2,976
  • Farmer organiztions trained: 31
  • Traders connected to producers for export: 11
  • Number of consumers educated about the importance of highly nutritious diets through media: 920,000 (estimated)

VIDEO - Impactful Stories brought by AGRI-CONNECT
