Eco-Friendly Coffee Pulping Machines Successfully Launched in Songwe Region.
The European Union funded Passport to Coffee Export Project (PACE) implemented by SOLIDARIDAD together with key partner TaCRI and Envirocare conducted an official launch of Environmentally friendly Eco pulper machines at Ipyana AMCOS in Songwe region. This is among 10 eco–pulper machines procured under the AGRI-CONNECT (PACE) Project each and installed in 10 model cooperatives in Ruvuma (6 units), Mbeya (2 units), and Songwe (2 units).

The program supported the procurement of the machines to support the communities aggregate their coffee for value addition as well as to demonstrate the best coffee processing practices.
The launch was officiated by the Mbozi District Commissioner Hon. Cosmas Nshenye and witnessed by coffee stakeholders including the project implementing partners, private sector, NGOs, representatives from the Ministry of Agriculture, National Authorizing Officer, District Agricultural, Irrigation, and Cooperative officers, LGA members, Cooperative leaders, and farmers.
The guest of honor witnessed and commended project interventions and investment done at the model cooperative apart from the eco–pulper machine which include 12 coffee drying tables, a drip irrigation system where different vegetables are produced by youth and women groups, demonstration plot for new improved coffee variety (compact), a biogas plant as an alternative energy source, coffee lab equipment, soil scanners, moisture meter readers and a digital weighing scale.

The capacity of the installed machine is to process more than 1000 Kg of cherries per hour which will discourage home processing by cooperative members and ensure quality is maintained and in uniform.
”It is my strong belief that farmers from Ipyana and other cooperatives which benefited from this support will protect, maintain and take good care of this investment so that it lasts longer for the benefit of the current and many generations to come. I would like to thank the EU and Solidaridad for extending immense support to our farmers and I will ensure that cooperatives and farmers maintain these machines” said Hon. Nshenye, Mbozi District Commissioner.

Solidaridad is implementing a 42 months Passport to Coffee Export project (PACE) which intends to reach 22,500 farmers in Songwe, Mbeya and Ruvuma regions in Tanzania with the aim of promoting a sustainable and inclusive sector development through a robust export-oriented coffee value chain by 2024.
This article is produced with the financial support from the European Union through AGRI-CONNECT Programme. Its contents do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.